Facial Reflexology -Dien Chan Multireflexology
By Diana Watson
Facial Reflexology or Dien Chan Multireflexology is now being offered in Drumheller. This treatment is therapeutic, relaxing and provides a completely natural esthetic facial – all at the same time! Call and book your appointment with Diana Watson at 403-820-3065. You will feel rejuvenated! The Facial Reflexology is a full one hour appointment and if you wish to combine it with another treatment, such as Foot or Hand Reflexology it would be a 90 minute appointment.
Dien Chan Multireflexology or Facial Reflexology was established by Professor Bùi Quôc Châu in Vietnam. He is a practitioner and teacher of acupuncture. Through his practice in his charitable clinic in Vietnam, after several years of research Professor Châu proved that the stimulation of pressure points provides rapid and profound effects. As a result of this research and years of clinical trials documented with detailed observations Professor Châu felt he no longer needed to use needles for the treatments. He has been sharing and teaching this practice since the early 1980’s with many and all who would learn.
There are a total 257 points of reference on the face and head along with several different diagrams all referring to different reflexes of our body. Gentle stimulation with hands and tools helps with many problems such as shoulder/neck pain, back pain, problems with knees or ankles. All the imbalances reflexology helps to alleviate – facial reflexology will assist in this also.
With facial reflexology you essentially receive two treatments in one. There are the therapeutic benefits and the added beauty element. This treatment helps to bring up the natural oils of your skin to the surface, distributes this natural moisture and helps to tone and tighten your skin. This results in a completely natural esthetic facial and helps to minimize wrinkles. By doing this regularly you will be able to purchase a very nice (perhaps more expensive) moisturizing lotion and will require less of it on application. This will make your product last longer and also it will be more effective for you. For the price of a couple of tools and a few minutes of training you can continue the work at home daily in between your treatments as well.
Illustrations of the 12 Facial Massages